Lansky Deluxe Diamond 4 Hone Stone Controlled Angle Knife Sharpening System Set
08 July 2021
Does a great job putting a razor edge on my knives.
First impressions were it was cheaply made as the material is a very light alloy. However this is not an issue in use as it proves to be strong. Gave a great sharp edge to the knives i have sharpened, Would recommend also purchasing a stand which i believe should be part of the kit. I bought a c clamp mount which works well.
VEVOR Electric Honey Extractor 3 Frame Beekeeping Stainless Steel Spinner
06 July 2023
Vevor 3 frame extractor
Good value and price but not the best quality. Much cheaper than its competition but be prepared to finish it off. The brackets for the legs are spot welded on which left very sharp flash marks inside the drum which actually cut my hand on cleaning resulting in heave bleeding. No big deal but required work with a dremmel to rectify. The honey gate is high up above the base leaving remnants of honey in the bottom of the tank. Be better if a stainless socket was welded low down and honey gate fitted to this to allow honey to drain to the bottom of the tank. All in all a cheap extractor that suits a small set up but be aware of the issues. I do not regret my purchase as the competition is much more costly but if i were using an extractor for a larger set up i would look elsawhere.