The bags are smaller than genuine bags and what is displayed on the image with this product (displaying 28.5cm x 18cm on photo of product) and the bag material is thinner than the genuine Miele product. They seem to be collecting dust OK and fit the vacuum OK. The actual bag dimensions are 26.8cm length and 16.5cm wide.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
These bags are very good quality, but not as thick as the original Miele factory bags. I'm sure that if they are changed when they need to be and not allowed to overfill then they will serve well. They are one third the price of the originals, making them very good value. I will buy them again.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Why pay the Miele price when these are just as good? When the bags are so much cheaper, you can change them more often, which is better for your machine.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have purchased few attachments and filters plus 12 bags for my Miele C3 Cat & Dog vacuum cleaner. It all worked like a charm and the aftermarket extension tube is designed better than the original Miele. All products are excellent value for money and delivered fast and free.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
These bags do not fit correctly very loose and will leave your vacuum broken after a day the bags don't filter the dirt and don't click in the slots yes I double checked all the details and make and model of my vacuum please don't waste your money.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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