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Get more from your shopping with eBay Plus  

Introducing awesome savings and member benefits with eBay Plus!  Everybody likes getting some perks out of their shopping experience,  and that’s exactly what eBay Plus is all about. From fast delivery to  free returns on eBay plus items, not to mention member-only exclusive  discounts and sales, eBay Plus is what you need to maximise your online  shopping.

With lots of eligible products, eBay Plus is the modern online shopping solution that delivers great value.

Exclusive discounts all year round

There  are millions of eligible products available on eBay Plus, and we're  constantly adding new items. Not only that, you’ll have premium access  to sales and special discounts. Explore this page to see what promotions  are currently running and come regularly as there are new deals for  eBay Plus members, year round.

Not sure if eBay Plus is for you? You can try it out with a free 30-day trial today, and then join for only $4.99 a month.

Free returns with eBay Plus

If  you’ve ordered the wrong size, or an item doesn’t quite do what you  thought it would, don't sweat it. eBay Plus offers free returns for all  eBay Plus items. It's just another way we're making it easier for you to  shop online.

Free express delivery to metro areas

eBay  Plus helps take the waiting out of online shopping, with free express  delivery service to metropolitan areas for eBay plus items. That means  less lag time between that final click and that delivered package  feeling.

With everything from cameras to household goods, video game consoles to appliances and sporting gear, browse the millions of products on offer on eBay Plus today! 

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