Well given that this is for a specific helmet model it is definitely good quality. It filters the wind well and is not obstructive when taking the helmet on and off. I used this on my Bell Bullitt helmet. I trimmed the plastic insert because it would not slide into my helmet and then stuck Velcro on the outer rim of the material and the chin base of the helmet and voila! If they had a Velcro version of this with a low profile plastic rim that does not need to be inserted it would fit any helmet! The reason I trimmed the plastic rim is because with my helmet the insert could have damaged the helmet join which is pretty much sealed. Braking the seal to get the insert in I feel would have compromised the chin guard. So trimming the plastic insert and using Velcro worked perfectly!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Perfect match for my Shoei helmet
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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