It’s sturdy and relatively easy to put together although I had to drill a few extra holes to get the length to fit in my space. The only downside is the stick on clips. They don’t stick very well and a couple have come off. Not sure how else they could be affixed as they need to be able to be stuck in any position depending on blanket size. I think once I screw them in position it will be fine.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
In general the roller looks and works good. Definitely great value for money. The only significant shortcoming is plastic clips which connects to pool blanket - they often unclick (open) loosing the blanket. Edit: increased the rating to 4 stars. I decided to ignore the manual which says for kidney shaped pool you should snap clips to middle of wide area. That makes clips holding folded (double) blanket and creates all these issues, including problem with rolling blanket back to pool. Just went with clipping it to side as you would do with square pool and all works great.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Excellent roller for the price and feels quite sturdy. Only improvement are: 1. The straps - uses double sided tape to attach to the roller. Keeps coming off so had to secure the straps with self drilling metal screws. Also need to pre-make holes in the pool cover for the clips to lock in. 2. Installation manual - I give it a 2.5 stars as it’s not easy to follow.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
We are using this item at the full 6 mts limit. It is touch and go arhat length but does still do the job. It is the 2nd I have purchased an the first I only needed 4 mts and it was great. Would recommend as good bang for $.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The product is strong, easily assembled and easy to use. Best value, quoted over $800.00 locally for similar product from Pool retailer here locally.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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