Married with Children is an unusual series...Al Bundy has a family of four and he makes a living off selling female shoes full time. His income is poor but the most important that he's the only one with money supporting a family of 4. His wife berates him; his kids show him no respect and this is where the comedy of this sitcom revolves around. The sitcom is bad and cheesy with degrading comical comments and jokes about Al's inability to provide a decent income to the family or even have sex with his wife. Peggy doesn't provide much for the family at all - she just puts Al down all the time and off course Al doesn't have much but to defend himself with demoralising insults (which are quite funny sometimes). Kelly the daughter...she's not that funny - has a few one liners and berates and belittles her father while making herself known as the neighbourhood slurry. Bud...well, he just doesn't really do much. I get the series...they're a dysfunctional family with very little respect for each other - however; if anyone disrespects their family without them knowing how they really are; they generally show affection to one another by stepping in and defending the family by...using demoralising comments to defend the family honour. This series is unusual and occasionally lame - but I'm drawn in to the fact - where is this story really going? And because Al's come backs towards Peggy, the children and just about anyone is so hilarious - I actually don't mind giving the series a go. This series is just not for the overly sensitive - especially, if you can't stand the amount of sexism that goes on in this series. Happy watching :)Read full review
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