I've used it a bunch of time and it works perfectly. After a couple of jumps the battery was only about 25% depleted using on a 2.3 5cyl turbo Volvo petrol. The quality is great. It charges well and comes in a nice case. In the past I've used a cheap white eBay one from a different brand that was junk and wouldn't recharge properly. This one costs more but is more of a long term solution.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It did not start up my dead flat battery on car But it did start a flat battery that had low voltage in another car
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
when your battery dies, who you gonna call? Who is gonna help? NO ONE! you don't need help anymore! Just attach this to your battery and turn your key and you're all set! This jumps my car perfectly every time it dies (and it dies a lot) and i have had no issue with the starter retaining it's battery level. It can also charge my phone which is an added plus that I love!!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This product is perfect for starting my 4.2 litre 4WD in remote locations where I have a flat battery and no other help is available. Also extremely useful as a power pack! Many other jump starters on the market don't have the power to be able to start my vehicle. This is one of the most powerful I have seen! Now an essential item for my vehicle where it is now permanently located.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Although unused as a vehicle starting capacity, this product is solid, has numerous power bank functions and is easily charged using USB via household usb charging or via car cigarette lighter plug.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Absolute neccessity for your vehicle, I have used this item to start my diesel engine with a flat battery. It was the same as having a fully charged battery. Takes up no space in the car and can be kept fully charged in the car with cables provided.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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