Inspired by Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punichment, Pickpocket tells the story of Michael, a young novice thief who is caught in the act one afternoon by the police. Breaking his dying Mother's heart, bringing disrepute to his character and ostracizing him from his friends, the only source of compassion he has is his neighbour, Jeanne (Marika Green) who encourages Michael to mend his ways and seek redemption. Now a condemned man Michael finds he is addicted to the crime that has brought him disrepute. It has become his only means of expression and release. Delving deeper into the world of the Pickpocket he takes lessons from an expert and is soon sucked into a vortex devoid of any emotion and morality. He is a man whose attraction to crime threatens to condemn him forever, both spiritually and emotionally. From Robert Bresson, one of the Masters of French cinema, Pickpocket has been rightfully acclaimed as a landmark film. An enormous influence on Hal Hartley and Martin Scorsese, Pickpocket is one of the pioneering examples of cinema verit and consummate restraint. Digitally restored and Pickpocket, the work of Bresson is now set to enthrall a new generation.