Bought for my 3 year old grandson. Loves his garbage trucks. I tested the lifting arm and noticed that the bin lid doesn’t open when upside down, so need to open the bin lid before lifting with the arm. One thing I noticed was the dial to lift the bin is a little small for little fingers to get around and as he lifts the bin very slowly the rubbish spills out before it gets to the opening in the truck. But that is just a learning thing.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Although my grandson is only 2 years (recommended age 4+); he absolutely loves it and is slowly working out how to use it's features. His older brother (4 years) also loves to play with it when he can nget a chance.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I am happy with my purchase of the Bruder garbage truck. The toy garbage truck is very realistic and has solid construction. It looks great and is a great size for my son to play with, maybe actually a bit too big! I would recommend this toy to other parents looking for a durable toy that will last their child many years.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This garbage truck is fantastic, my grandson will love this, he is fascinated by garbage trucks and how they work with all the different bins. Hours of pretend play will most definitely be happening. Large size truck, love the Bruder brand always well made and very reasonably priced. Package arrived quickly and the truck was very well packed. Pleasure to deal with.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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