We’re updating the seller protections you receive when a buyer falsely claims an item is not as described.

What’s the update?

For buyers reported from 1 August, we’re removing the $9 return label credit cap on falsely claimed Item Not as Described requests. If you provided an eBay return label, you will now receive a credit for the actual postage cost. If you’ve provided your own label to the buyer, we’ll credit you up to $11 per transaction.

How does this protection work?

All eBay sellers are eligible for this protection. When you report the buyer and we determine they made a false claim, you’ll receive the credit within 60 days. We’ll also protect you from negative or neutral feedback and remove the transaction from your service metrics.

What do I do when I receive a false claim?

When you believe a buyer has falsely claimed an item was not as described, you’ll need to report the buyer and complete the return by sending them a refund to be eligible for the protections.