Selling safely and protecting yourself against scams.

See how we protect your personal data and the steps you can take to make your account more secure.

Selling safely

Stay on eBay

Always complete the transaction on eBay, using one of our accepted payment methods

Sending items

Wait for confirmation of payment before you send the item

You’re protected

When you sell on eBay, we protect you from abusive buying behaviour and from events outside your control.

Report a problem

If you suspect someone is violating eBay rules and policies, you can report them via the Report a Seller or Report a Buyer function so we can take any necessary actions.

Protect your account

  • Use a strong password and change it regularly
  • Set up 2-step verification 
  • Use a secure (encrypted) connection to sign in to eBay 
  • Don’t share your info. We’ll never ask you for your password or financial information.

Further information on how you can keep yourself safe can be found here.

We care about your privacy

We assure you that we don’t rent or sell your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent. 

Here are your privacy essentials: 

Further information on how you can keep yourself safe can be found here.