Factors that can cause listings to be demoted

There are different reasons why certain listings may not be ranked as highly as others on eBay. Here are a few reasons why listings can be demoted in search results.

  • Keyword spamming — Adding keywords to your listing title or description that are untrue of the item you’re selling is considered deceptive selling behaviour.

    For example, if you’re selling pine tables, don’t add ‘teak’ or ‘mahogany’ anywhere in your listing write-up that could mislead buyers.

  • Duplicate listings — We don't allow more than one fixed price listing of an identical item at the same time from the same seller. Read the duplicate listings policy.

  • Listings that convert poorly — If your listing has a low conversion rate, it may drop in search result rankings.

  • Unproductive listings — If you haven’t sold a certain item in more than 9 months, it may drop in search result rankings.

  • Seller performance — If you are a Below Standard seller, there may be limitations on your selling activity until your performance improves. Read more about seller performance.